

I left at the beginning of October for Fez, a city known for its quality crafts, with my mother and my two children.
A trip embellished with a few anecdotes that you can find on my social networks.

Let's go back in time, this summer I went to Morocco to Marrackech then Essaouira with a friend. Of Moroccan origin, I had never had the opportunity to go there due to lack of means. I fell in love with the country and my culture. This trip resonated with me and it seemed obvious to me to share with you and make available the ancestral Moroccan know-how.

When I returned to France, this project of sharing know-how matured in me and I got started. I have always loved decoration and pretty pieces in a house, so combining crafts, decoration and Moroccan culture in this project seems obvious to me.
So here we are at the beginning of October, all four of us on our way to Fez, the city of crafts!

We met many craftsmen: tanner, potter, painter, bronzer and many others. People passionate about their profession and in a process of sharing knowledge.

Lemona is happy to offer you unique pieces but also to be able to let your imagination speak by making your creations.